I just about passed out in shock yesterday when I was perusing the
'Nuts for Noro' forums in Ravelry, where people were discussing what to do with one skein of Noro (something I have often pondered).
heathermione from Texas had written:
I've made about 5 hats using the Noro Ribbed Hat pattern from MargB. It's a really simple pattern, and it looks pretty amazing in Noro Silk Garden. I've actually gotten an entire hat from a single skein of Silk Garden, as well (though a little more than a skein makes a longer hat with a wider roll-up brim, and so makes a toastier hat).
Nearly every time I wear one, I am asked to knit another!
The message was posted on 12 January this year, my birthday. What a lovely belated present to stumble upon!The closest 'bricks and mortar' yarn store to home,
Sunspun, recently announced that it was selling
Noro Kureyon at a new low-price of $12.95 - this is definitely the lowest price I've seen in a non-online store in Melbourne - glad someone is finally passing on the benefits of our record high Australian dollar.
Then I foolishly started searching online. Kureyon s available for US$7.90 at
http://www.yarnandfiber.com - even with shipping added it still works out at well under AUD$10/ball.Then I discovered
Noro Cashmere Island. It's 30% cashmere, 60% wool, 10% nylon and available in amazing colourways (I'm very partial to colourway 6 in purples, greens, grey and black)
and works out at 'only' AUD$15/ball including shipping from the US.
Yarnandfibre offer free international shipping on many items - including, as I discovered - Noro yarn. I couldn't resist - I put in for five skeins of Noro Cashmere Island. With free shipping is comes out at about AUD $12/ball - cheaper than Kureyon in Australia.
No wonder we addicts call it Noro-crack!
The only problem is working out how I can afford to take advantage of such great bargains, given the mortgage, food and petrol have all sky-rocketed over the past 2 years. Last night it cost $65 to fill the petrol tank of our car, a Toyota Corolla. It wasn't so long ago that we couldn't squeeze more than $35 into it.