Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The illusion of knitting something new

The secret project is now finished; I'll post a photo later this month once the recipient has received it.

I have finally started to dip my toe into illusion knitting. After a couple of false starts I decided on Ysolda's skull illusion scarf. I've slightly altered the pattern - added two extra garter stitch rows at the start and an extra three garter stitches at the start and end of each row; this stops the scarf curling at the sides and ends; it also makes it a bit wider which I prefer. Assuming it turns out as planned and I can finish it within a month, it will be another birthday present.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I took a class in illusion knitting a few years ago - so much fun! Of course I just knit an itty bitty swatch with a heart, but it's always been in the back of my mind to do something bigger.